Amersham A Cappella are one of Europe’s leading ladies choirs. They have won multiple national and international awards and regularly perform a varied repertoire of barbershop and contemporary a cappella arrangements at private functions, community and local charity events.
All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members, so why not pay us a visit? Right now we meet on most Tuesday evenings.
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Amersham A Cappella have been invited to represent the UK at the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) International contest in Denver, USA in July 2025. Find out all about this here and how you can support us to get there!
Here's a couple of the ways we are raising funds. Click on the image to find out more!
Why not hire Amersham A Cappella to entertain at your next event? We can perform at corporate functions, charity events, community entertainment events, birthday parties, christmas parties, awards nights, weddings, engagements, anniversaries, engagements, and even funerals and memorial services.